From Creolista!
- as ADJ as = aussi ADJ que
- as ADV as = aussi ADV que
- as many Ns as = autant de Ns que
- as few Ns as = aussi peu de Ns que
- as much N as = autant de N que
- as little N as = aussi peu de N que
The first correlator can be replaced with so, though this is very marked (and rare).
- just as ADJ as. ("But elder brother was just as late (last night) as I was (tonight), and you hardly said a word to him.")
- Will shopping malls be just as packed as ever?
- as is not followed immediately by comparatives (e.g. older, more involved, etc.) because "as" is used in comparisons of (non-)equivalence
whereas comparatives are used in comparisons of superiority/inferiority with than. - as is not generally used with superlatives. The single exception I know is "best" (see expressions below).
Non-equivalence / proportion
- That's not as funny as when...
- We could do with half as many wisecracks.
- half as much effort (see contexts: [1])
- twice as many people
- twice as much traffic
- three times as many stalled tractors as last time
- As I was on call anyway, I decided to go in to work. --> Comme j'étais d'astreinte de toutes façons, j'ai décidé d'aller bosser.
- inasmuch as: dans la mésure où, étant donné que, ...
- insofar as: dans la mésure où, pour autant que, dès lors que...
Marker of simultaneity
- As I was parking, I realized I had forgotten my mask. En me garant, je me suis rendu compte que j'avais oublié une masque.
- as far as [X] goes, ... -- Quant à [X], ...
- as far as I know -- pour autant que je sache, à ma connaissance
- as far as I can tell -- d'après ce que je comprends/vois
- as best (as) I can tell -- d'après ce que je comprends/vois ("
as well as I can tell" would follow grammar rules better, but real word use and grammatical consistency are two different things. :D ) - as far as I'm concerned -- Quant à moi
- as you (wish / like) -- comme tu veux
- as you see fit -- comme tu le sens
- as much as I would like to...
- as for: -- quant à
- try as I might, I couldn't [X] -- J'ai beau essayer, mais je n'arrivais pas à [X].
- as soon as possible -- yesterday, usually. :)