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Revision as of 10:52, 5 October 2020 by Sashi (talk | contribs) (Sources)
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If you are here, hear this!

You have found the secret cauldron where the next season's issue of jes' grew gets stirred up & out into cupcake molds. Sometimes there is (the) resistance.


Crediting some sources...

2666 -- The Art of Listening
Nathalie Piolay, Banzzaï, France Musique
Alex Dutillh, Open Jazz, France Musique
Faune by Raphaël Pannier[1][2]
Faune by Raphaël Pannier
Jazz à Vienne


Current issue

Previous issues


  1. Ed Enright (Oct. 2020), "Raphaël Pannier: Faune, Downbeat.
  2. Alex Dutilh, (14 Sept 2020), Raphaël Pannier dans la faune new-yorkaise, Open Jazz, France Musique.