Teaching Resources
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Compréhension Orale
- ELLLO (English Listening Lesson Library Online) [6]
- Audio books in the public domain (BooksShouldBeFree: | kids) / links to Gutenberg
Poetry & Music
- Poetry Archives: lesson plans on specific poems
- Web English Teacher: excellent ideas for producing poetry
- histgeobox Te:
- histgeobox education civique collège
- AI wiki how-to use music in the classroom
- AI wiki: a list of tried and true classics
- Educational Rap
- lyrics training : example (video from Good Morning, Vietnam! What a wonderful world, Louis Armstrong)
- Poésie Sonore : (Weblettres / CDRP)
- poetry category for this wiki
- music category for this wiki
- Collège au cinéma (Académie de Poitiers [7])
Exercices / Online quizzes
- English by Yourself (CNED)
- Michèle Henry (Metz) [10]
- British Museum Young Explorers
- 30 world Englishes [11]
- US Mint Kids pages H.I.P pocket change
- this wiki's kids' books page
- Mathématiques Dynamiques
- en particulier: son cube de couleurs (Hex values # RR GG BB )
- Annales du BTS Informatique [12]
- Norton study space in general
- Norton Anthology of African-American Literature open to the Harlem Renaissance resource pages (may eventually need a password)
- Norton Anthology of English Literature welcome page
- NY Times | learning blogs
- Category:Linguistics on this wiki
- Prof Geek, blog bien fait pour apprendre des techniques utiles (certaines de base, d'autres moins) profgeek.fr
- Marie Rivoire, Les ilôts bonifiées, [13]
- Domisweb
vintage "grammaires scolaires"
- P. et M. Carpentier-Fialip, Grammaire de l'anglais vivant, Troisième 1942 (édition bleue). @ manuelsanciens
Game software
- http://www.logitheque.com/logiciels/windows/education/anglais/
- http://www.logitheque.com/logiciels/linux/education/anglais/
- http://www.logitheque.com/logiciels/macintosh/education/anglais/
TIC resources
French typography
- Sir Ken Robinson (Ted Talk)